Tuesday, April 28, 2009

LOVE STORY (Taylor Swift) meets VIVA LA VIDA (Coldplay) - Piano Cello - by Jon Schmidt

My friend had this on her blog. I had to share! Jon Schmidt is a favorite of Jason and I's. We've seen him in concert a couple of times. He is a blast to watch and he does such fun things with his music. If you haven't heard about him before this. You should check out his website and listen to some more of his music. Uplifting and fun! He also does Pachelbel's Canon meets U2.


Christie said...

I can't wait for this Album to come out!!!!

Sharee said...

I love Jon Schmidt too and have been to a concert as well. I have a couple of his books too...very orginal and great!

Becky G said...

This is great! If you go to his website you can put this on your iPod!