Tuesday, February 24, 2009


The last few days I've been thinkin I need to post on my brothers.

I have 3 of them....(end post). No just kidding.

I am so crazy about them that I wanted to share them with you. It wouldn't hurt if any of you know some women that they could date, so keep that in the back of your minds. Yes, they are all single! I'd love to have some sisters-in-law, and some more nieces and nephews, so any help is great.

I'm gonna try and blog about one per day.

Brother #1 DALLIN (No, he's not necessarily number 1 because he's my favorite, just born first, so don't get jealous Dustin.)

Dallin is my big brother (big meaning older). He is only a couple of years older than me, but everyone seems to think I am the older one. My Mom used to tell me that Dallin would crawl in my crib when I was a baby. He would have been 2. I guess he needed someone to "hangout" with. I don't have that many specific memories of him when we were little. I've been told and seen the pictures of a mishap I had involving scissors and my hair. Dallin was the one on the other end of those scissors. I do remember filling our RadioFlyer wagon up with the hose, getting in our swimsuits, and playing for hours in the sun. Too bad that didn't last. As we got older, the fighting ensued. He used to drive me CRAZY! When I was 12, I must have had enough. I don't remember what he did to make me mad, but I was furious and slugged him as hard as I could in the stomach. From that time on, he seemed less confrontational and argumentative. I was quite proud of my slugging abilities and thought them to be the reason for my newfound freedom. It's only been the last year or so I found out that my Dad took him aside and told him he needed to leave me alone. Guess I won't be trying my skills out in the ring anytime soon.

Dallin joined the Marines when he turned 18 and graduated High School. I was so proud of him. I didn't realize how much I would miss him. During his military years he traveled to Bali (I think that's where it was), and brought me back a pearl bracelet. It is a treasure of mine because I couldn't remember him ever giving anything to me (except maybe a few bruises.) I still wear it often and my girls know it as "the bracelet Uncle Dallin bought you."

As adults, it has been fun to build a relationship with him again. He has been through some tough times and still remains positive. Dallin has 2 beautiful boys that I get to see every Tuesday. I have been able to see my big brother for the strong, stubborn, caring, teddy bear that he is. Dall, I love ya!

1 comment:

Christie said...

Where's the daily posts???!