Friday, November 7, 2014

To Love Another Person...

My Grandpa died today.

Those four words seem significant enough for me to leave it at that, but this picture demands deeper explanation.

My Grandparents have been together 67 years.  As I look at this photo, I am continually struck with the love that passes between them.  And I cry.

As I drove home after spending time with my Grandparents in the hospital, I was listening to the Les Miserables soundtrack.  I was only half listening until I heard this phrase, "To Love another person is to see the face of God."  Tears streaked down my cheeks as I thought of my Grandma who so selflessly served my Grandpa.  

Losing my Grandpa is hard, but I'm grateful for my testimony.  The gospel allows me to have long-term spiritual perspective.  It has allowed me to learn in an impossibly hard situation.  I learned to let time pass.  I have learned to "Be Still."  I have learned the value of human touch.  I was reminded again how important family is.  I learned that I still have some catching up to do if I hope to Love as my Grandma does.

Victor Hugo's words will be ingrained in my memory along with this picture.  To love another person truly is to see the face of God.  May we all be so lucky as to find this love in our lives.


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