Monday, November 10, 2008

Are good Mormons Republicans?

I had an experience this last week I would love other people's input on. Monday (3rd) I had an individual tell me that even though the Church doesn't tell its members how to vote that if Mormons are pro-Constitution than how could they vote for Barack Obama. That ruffled my feathers somewhat as I don't really like being told what to do. Sidenote: Now I know where my kids get it. :) This person was adamant that Obama was against the constitution. I still hadn't decided how to vote at that point. I have tried to be an informed individual. I have tried to be more involved in this years election.

Then, yesterday in Relief Society, we were discussing the signs of the Second Coming. A woman raised her hand and prefacing her comments with "I hope I don't offend anyone..." and then proceeded to say that Obama becoming President was a sign of the times and frightening to her. She even went further and said that Obama thinks he's a dictator and that we will be turning into a Communist country. She had quite a lot to say, and enough that I almost got up to leave. I'm not trying to take a political stand. It's not that I'm "pro-Obama" or "Pro-McCain," I just felt that church wasn't the appropriate time for a discussion of that type.

Are all Mormons supposed to be Republicans? My view of the church's opinion on government is be informed, participate, and obey the law. Am I wrong? Am I missing something?

I welcome your thoughts/comments!


Suzy said...

I agree that church is not the place to discuss stuff like this. There is a reason the church sends out a letter around election encouraging everyone to vote, but they don't state who to affiliate with. I believe that you can be a part of either group (democrat or republican) and not agree with everything they believe in. For instance, a large majority of Democrats believe in abortion. I could be a Democrat, liking how they view government, and yet still not agree with their view on abortion. It is the same with the Republican views. I am personally a Republican, but I don't feel you aren't a good member of the church if you don't view the same things as me. In fact, there have been some high office holding members of the church who have been Democrats. Hope that helps.

Erin Cannon said...

Thanks for your comments Suzy!

Aloha said...

I have a hard time with all these peple who "FEAR" so much. it will not matter who is President, what party is in control or anything because we believe that the second coming is coming. So if we believe it is coming, why are we to be afraid of it? Shouldn't we welcome the coming of our Savior? Are we not to be prepared? Are we not to stand in Holy Places? If we are doing what we should, we may have bad things happen to us, but we should not Fear it at all. We just need to get prepared and be the best we can be. I remember when we were young Henry Kissinger was called openly by many members the anti-Christ. He was the worst person ever to be in the government....guess what he wasn't!!
I wonder about the constition statement too....what don't we understand? If our President goes too far, aren't the Congress and Courts suppoused to stop him and in 4 years, can't we vote the bum out? What don't I understand? It boggles my mind.

Don't get up and leave or get angry, just pray for that poor person who probably can't go to the bathroom at night because the night is to dark! Fear is stifling. and not good for the soul. It makes you self righteous, judgemental and non-tolerant.

You just keep smiling!

Erin Cannon said...

You Rock,Aunt K. Thanks for the comments.

Amy said...

I'm so with you!