Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New Calling

Sunday I was put into the Young Women's Presidency as the 1st Counselor. I was also released as YW Camp Director, and the Ward Choir Director. I'm excited about the new calling and relieved to be...ummm..."rid" of the old ones. Not so much the Camp Director cuz that was a blast, but the choir director...for sure. I did that for 4 years. I learned a lot but am excited to move on. I still have the organist calling, but hope to get released from that soon as well. So, anyway....if any of you have advice, ideas, etc... for me, I'd be happy to take it.


Anonymous said...

Congrats and good luck! That will be a fun calling.

Sharee said...

Holy Cow girl! Your ward has kept you busy! After four years of being choir director...wow...no wonder you are ready to "rid" yourself..ha ha! You'll do great in YW's...they'll love ya!