I had an experience this last week I would love other people's input on. Monday (3rd) I had an individual tell me that even though the Church doesn't tell its members how to vote that if Mormons are pro-Constitution than how could they vote for Barack Obama. That ruffled my feathers somewhat as I don't really like being told what to do. Sidenote: Now I know where my kids get it. :) This person was adamant that Obama was against the constitution. I still hadn't decided how to vote at that point. I have tried to be an informed individual. I have tried to be more involved in this years election.
Then, yesterday in Relief Society, we were discussing the signs of the Second Coming. A woman raised her hand and prefacing her comments with "I hope I don't offend anyone..." and then proceeded to say that Obama becoming President was a sign of the times and frightening to her. She even went further and said that Obama thinks he's a dictator and that we will be turning into a Communist country. She had quite a lot to say, and enough that I almost got up to leave. I'm not trying to take a political stand. It's not that I'm "pro-Obama" or "Pro-McCain," I just felt that church wasn't the appropriate time for a discussion of that type.
Are all Mormons supposed to be Republicans? My view of the church's opinion on government is be informed, participate, and obey the law. Am I wrong? Am I missing something?
I welcome your thoughts/comments!