Friday, August 29, 2008

A kid funny!

So, the other morning, Jason was relating this story to me.
Taylor came home and said, "Hey Dad, my teacher told us that we'll be having farters come to our class."

Jason said, "Farters?"

Taylor: "Yeah, Dad, Farters."

Jason was confused and didn't understand (I didn't either when he told me the story.)

Lauren enters from the living room where she had heard the conversation. She says, "Taylor, they are tutors. Tutors come to your class." Apparently she wasn't amused, but disgusted that her sister didn't get it.

So if you aren't laughing by now. Let me elaborate. When our kids are little and they pass gas, we oftentimes call it a "toot." Thus the person passing gas becomes the "tooter." As the kids get older the phrases farting and tooting are often intermingled. Thus Taylor's misinterpretation that the peer-age tutors were the farters in her mind.

We laughed and laughed about this one. I am still laughing even as I type. Definitely some needed comic relief. So if you are having a tough week, like I am. Live a little, laugh a little, and love your kids a lot.


Christie said...


Anonymous said...

LOL! That is so funny, I wonder what she was picturing coming into her class. Hee, hee!

Suzy said...

That's awesome!