Thursday, December 4, 2008

Stress in all its fineries

This was me this morning, I swear.

Why is it that we willingly stress ourselves out? I can't figure it out. I was so excited about all the craft projects I was going to do for Christmas gifts this year. I've had the ideas for months, but I'm just now getting the needed items bought and attempting a start. Not only that, I am taking a Marketing Class (which I love) and have a couple of big projects/exams due within the next couple of weeks. Things just keep piling on. Christmas Decorations? I'll get them done sometime, hopefully before Christmas Eve. What was that? You want me to be where? When? You want me to do that? Why not? Sure, BRING IT ON! :)


Anonymous said...

LOL! I totally know what you mean, good luck getting it all done.

Lanae Hale said...

Great picture, Erin!! I totally understand. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I hope you have a great Christmas!!

Becky G said...

Wow - and here I thought I was busy! My moto is "one thing at a time". Don't think about EVERYTHING all at once! I hope it gets better soon and you can enjoy Christmas!