12 years ago
Friday, November 7, 2014
To Love Another Person...
My Grandpa died today.
Those four words seem significant enough for me to leave it at that, but this picture demands deeper explanation.
My Grandparents have been together 67 years. As I look at this photo, I am continually struck with the love that passes between them. And I cry.
As I drove home after spending time with my Grandparents in the hospital, I was listening to the Les Miserables soundtrack. I was only half listening until I heard this phrase, "To Love another person is to see the face of God." Tears streaked down my cheeks as I thought of my Grandma who so selflessly served my Grandpa.
Losing my Grandpa is hard, but I'm grateful for my testimony. The gospel allows me to have long-term spiritual perspective. It has allowed me to learn in an impossibly hard situation. I learned to let time pass. I have learned to "Be Still." I have learned the value of human touch. I was reminded again how important family is. I learned that I still have some catching up to do if I hope to Love as my Grandma does.
Victor Hugo's words will be ingrained in my memory along with this picture. To love another person truly is to see the face of God. May we all be so lucky as to find this love in our lives.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
St. Patrick's Day...almost!
I have been so excited for St. Patrick's Day this year. I've always had a thing for Ireland. Perhaps it's because I discovered my name on St. Patty's Day decorations when I was growing up. What's not to like about a holiday that has your name written all over it, literally.
So, when my Mom came to me a couple years ago and asked me where I'd like to take a trip to, my response was quick and easy...IRELAND. We decided to make it a goal and founded our Reminisce jewelry company to help us get there. In June 2012, my 2 daughters, my Mom, and I flew to Ireland and spent 15 days there. It was an absolutely incredible experience and my love for Ireland and it's people has only grown since then. So, St. Patrick's Day will be a significant holiday in my household from now on, I imagine.
I thought I'd post a few pictures from our trip, and share what we'll be doing tomorrow to celebrate. For breakfast, I'll be making a "Full Irish Breakfast" which will consist of streaky bacon (as the Irish call our American bacon), roasted tomatoes, sauted mushrooms, eggs, toast, and yogurt. In Ireland, you would also get black and white pudding, but I'll pass on this for two reasons; 1 - can't find them here and 2 - yuck! For lunch, we will be dining on Irish Soda Bread and a Potato Leek Soup. I am using the recipe I found on this blog. http://www.irishamericanmom.com/2012/02/06/potato-and-leek-soup/ I found it interesting that any soup we had in Ireland was all blended together. Vegetable soup was delicious, probably because you had no idea what veggies you were actually eating. For dinner, I'm making Shepherd's Pie. I'm not using lamb, though I was tempted. I did actually eat Shepherd's pie in a little bistro in the town of Cashel. It was so delicious! I couldn't find an Irish dessert recipe. The desserts in Ireland were so yummy and had less sugar and a richer chocolate taste. Our chocolate brownies and cakes don't compare.
There will surely be a lot of Irish Music, and perhaps a movie showing of P.S. I Love You. Not exactly Irish, but it has Ireland in it so that counts, right?
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Yes, I'm still alive
I would love to know what I've been doing for months and months since my last post. Apparently I've been busy! I wish I could recount to you all the events of the past 6 months, but I can't. Life...Life has happened. But rest assured, we are all alive and well.
I pinky swear that I'll add pictures soon! (Don't ya love the word "soon," leaves it nice and open for me. It's all relative.)
Lauren and I were able to participate in Idaho Falls Youth Arts Centre musical this fall "Willy Wonka." I auditioned back in May basically because I wanted Lauren to do it. Turns out I was given the part of Ms. Teavee. I had a BLAST! So much so that I auditioned for an opera with the Idaho Falls Opera Theater. I was lucky enough to get a part in that as well (Lack of qualified applicants, I believe) but I started practices a couple of weeks ago. The music is beautiful! The opera is Suor Angelica by Puccini and we will be performing it in English (Woohoo!) the first week in April.

Carter just had his 2nd hernia surgery. He was a trooper and really only was "down" for a day. No big deal. Oh to be 4 years old again.
Well, my free time seems to have run out. Here's hoping I find time to post those pics. (pinky swear is serious stuff, ya know) Here's to 2011...a year of possibilities.
I pinky swear that I'll add pictures soon! (Don't ya love the word "soon," leaves it nice and open for me. It's all relative.)
Lauren and I were able to participate in Idaho Falls Youth Arts Centre musical this fall "Willy Wonka." I auditioned back in May basically because I wanted Lauren to do it. Turns out I was given the part of Ms. Teavee. I had a BLAST! So much so that I auditioned for an opera with the Idaho Falls Opera Theater. I was lucky enough to get a part in that as well (Lack of qualified applicants, I believe) but I started practices a couple of weeks ago. The music is beautiful! The opera is Suor Angelica by Puccini and we will be performing it in English (Woohoo!) the first week in April.

Carter just had his 2nd hernia surgery. He was a trooper and really only was "down" for a day. No big deal. Oh to be 4 years old again.
Well, my free time seems to have run out. Here's hoping I find time to post those pics. (pinky swear is serious stuff, ya know) Here's to 2011...a year of possibilities.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
I'm Graduating!

Woohoo! I'm almost done with classes at Idaho State University. I have one day of finals, a research paper to finish and then it's on to Pomp and Circumstance for this college grad. Can you believe it? I think it finally feels real for me today.
It makes it even more exciting that my younger brother is graduating at the same time, my Dad will be sitting on the stand with the important people, and my father-in-law will be reading the names.
This feels like such an accomplishment and I appreciate it so much more than I would have if I would have graduated at the age of 22. It's been a lot of work, but it was worth it and I hope my kids get used to having me around again.
Yahoo for Erin Cannon having a BA in Marketing from Idaho State University. First an Idaho Falls tiger, and now an ISU Bengal! Go Tigers!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Today I was a surgeon.

I know we've all had those days when we wished we actually had a full-time job working at an office or store somewhere rather than being a stay-at-home mom. We all know that this is MORE than a full-time job. Today, I saw things a little differently and thought I'd share.
Ever watched Dirty Jobs? I am fascinated by this show and love to see what he's going to be doing next. One day, I thought...how fun that he gets to do different jobs every day instead of the same thing day in, day out. Well...today I was a surgeon. I sewed up Hayden (my daughter's stuffed wolf) who had a gaping hole in his leg. She was so distraught and I was glad I could help. Little needle and thread action...wam, bam, good as new. Smiling child! Some days I get to be a sculptor and make creations out of playdo. Sometimes, I get to be a painter, and make masterpieces with the help of Crayola. I realized that in the past I've been a taxi cab driver, a veternarian, a chef, a dishwasher, a maid, a laundress, a seamstress, an accountant, a construction worker, a fireman, a police officer, a psychologist, a teacher, a landscaper, a musician, and many more.
I no longer envy Mr. Mike from Dirty Jobs. I haven't been up to my knees in mud, or up to my eyeballs in swarming bees, but I've done enough. Each day I have the opportunity to be something else, do a different job, wear a different hat. All are important in my life and my family's.
So...Today I was a surgeon.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
My CrAzY Life!
I have about 5 minutes, so let's hope I can get this done. :)
School started for my kids on August 31st (finally!) They are attending the same school that my husband went to. They love it cuz it's right next door to Grandma and Grandpa's house and we've been playing on their playgrounds for years.
School started for me on August 25th. Yep, I know...You are all thinking...She's too OLD to go to school, but alas...ISU still accepts tuition money from 31 year olds. I quit college and put my husband through school back in the day and decided it's about time for me to finish what I started. I've been trying to slip in a few night classes over the years, but I am biting the bullet and going to school almost full-time this semester and full time next semester (after which I will graduate.) My degree will be in Marketing. I took my first Marketing class last Spring and loved it so much I changed my major.
My oldest daughter auditioned for the musical Annie and made it into the Orphan chorus. She is extremely happy because she found out she gets to sing, dance, "act", AND wear costumes! What could be better in an 8 year old's world? Now we just have to get her to the twice a week practices and performances in November.
I am Enrichment leader in my new ward so that's keeping me on my toes as well. We are having a Back to School Social next week and I don't have a committee yet so Imagine me running around like a Chicken with it's head cut off. (I know...sorry about the mental image.)
But overall, I shouldn't complain. I enjoy being busy. It ensures that I stay organized and goal-oriented. I am extremely blessed with great kids and an extremely supportive husband whom I adore!
If you have any suggestions for Enrichment Super Saturdays...Now would be the time to comment! I'd love to hear any and all suggestions. What works? What doesn't? What's a craft project that you've done lately?
School started for my kids on August 31st (finally!) They are attending the same school that my husband went to. They love it cuz it's right next door to Grandma and Grandpa's house and we've been playing on their playgrounds for years.
School started for me on August 25th. Yep, I know...You are all thinking...She's too OLD to go to school, but alas...ISU still accepts tuition money from 31 year olds. I quit college and put my husband through school back in the day and decided it's about time for me to finish what I started. I've been trying to slip in a few night classes over the years, but I am biting the bullet and going to school almost full-time this semester and full time next semester (after which I will graduate.) My degree will be in Marketing. I took my first Marketing class last Spring and loved it so much I changed my major.
My oldest daughter auditioned for the musical Annie and made it into the Orphan chorus. She is extremely happy because she found out she gets to sing, dance, "act", AND wear costumes! What could be better in an 8 year old's world? Now we just have to get her to the twice a week practices and performances in November.
I am Enrichment leader in my new ward so that's keeping me on my toes as well. We are having a Back to School Social next week and I don't have a committee yet so Imagine me running around like a Chicken with it's head cut off. (I know...sorry about the mental image.)
But overall, I shouldn't complain. I enjoy being busy. It ensures that I stay organized and goal-oriented. I am extremely blessed with great kids and an extremely supportive husband whom I adore!
If you have any suggestions for Enrichment Super Saturdays...Now would be the time to comment! I'd love to hear any and all suggestions. What works? What doesn't? What's a craft project that you've done lately?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Hawai'i July 2009
For Jason and I's 10th Anniversary, we decided to take a trip just the two of us. Okay, let me backup...I decided. We haven't left our kids longer than overnight but for a trip to Palm Springs a few years ago. Anyhoo, I thought it would be the perfect time since our kids are getting older and let's face it, a large tax return helps. Hawai'i seemed to be the perfect "second honeymoon" destination. Ummmm...did I just type "second" honeymoon, cuz we really didn't take a first, but I guess that's neither here nor there.
Our anniversary is July 23 so we wanted to be in Hawai'i for that date. We flew out the 22nd to Honolulu. My mom took my kids the first 4 days, and my mother-in-law took the last 3 days. (THANKS AGAIN, Judymom and Momma C. if you are reading this.) We rented one bedroom apartment through vrbo.com. It was located on the North Shore up in Laie on Oahu.

It was a cute little town (known to the locals as the Mormon town.) The temple is located here as well as the Polynesian Cultural Center.

Don't you love my sunburn? It was splendid. We went to the Lanikai beach on Friday (this pic was taken Sun) and I apparently was not vigilant enough with the sunscreen. We were sad to learn (before we left ID) that the temple would be closed. It is under extensive renovation. They have closed it for the whole year. We did visit the Visitor's Center and saw a BEAUTIFUL photography exhibit. Turns out the Laie, Hawaii temple is 90 years old. I had no idea it was that old. It was beautiful even in it's renovative state.
On our anniversary we got up early like as in 4 am.(Thank you JETLAG, we salute you) We drove about as far north as we could go. We drove to Dillingham Airfield where some Lost props were located. If you are a fan of lost, you will recognize the planes. We also drove past a YMCA camp that Lost uses as the OTHERS camp. So fun!

We rented a convertible. Why not live it up when you get a chance, right? Here's my sexy husband in our car.

This is taken fairly close to where the pilot scenes of Lost were filmed. Oddly, this is one of the few pics we have of the two of us together in Hawai'i.

We went to the Polynesian Cultural center on our anniversary. Here are a few pics. We even got to dance together on stage at the Luau because it was our anniversary. Us and about 30 other people.

One of my favorite things was snorkeling. We snorkeled at Shark's Cove which was up the road 15-20 minutes from where we were staying. We saw beautiful fish, and got to hang out with a school of the fish you see in Finding Nemo. Our kids thought that was cool. No pics of that though, only wonderful memories. I do have a nice pic of me in the snorkel gear though so enjoy that...(sarcasm was inserted into that last comment.)

One of my other favorite things was seeing the HONU (sea turtles). I compare it to seeing bears in Yellowstone. We were driving up the coast headed to Shark's cove when we saw some people standing on the beach taking pictures of the water. We decided to pull over to see what the fuss was about, and lo and behold there were 5 or 6 turtles fairly close to shore. I could've sat there for hours watching them.

We went to Pearl Harbor, of course, and Punchbowl. We went to the Swap Meet for souvenirs. We at Aoki's Shaved Ice. Yum. We peeled or own Sweet n Spicy Shrimp at Romy's Shrimp Shack. We ate at an AWESOME hole-in-the-wall Mexican Restaurant called AZTECA. So delicious! We did spend our last day there in Waikiki, but I was not a fan. Give me the North Shore anyday. Waikiki had too many expensive shops, and too many people.
Jason and I had a glorious time together. We laughed at the Wild Chickens. We lived in our bathing suits. We attended church on Sunday. We went to a movie theater. Which a little sidenote, was cheaper in Hawaii than it is here in Idaho Falls. Sick!!! We enjoyed the Nose flutes in the Tongan performance at the Polynesian Cultural Center. We enjoyed quiet dinners back at our apartment. We were grateful for the GPS. (note to those planning a trip to Oahu. DON'T rent a car unless you bring a GPS!!!) We almost lost our snorkeling gear before we even got to Shark's Cove. We enjoyed Hawaiian fry sauce. We read on the beach. We took morning and evening walks on the beach.
All in all, it was a FANTASTIC week!
Our anniversary is July 23 so we wanted to be in Hawai'i for that date. We flew out the 22nd to Honolulu. My mom took my kids the first 4 days, and my mother-in-law took the last 3 days. (THANKS AGAIN, Judymom and Momma C. if you are reading this.) We rented one bedroom apartment through vrbo.com. It was located on the North Shore up in Laie on Oahu.
It was a cute little town (known to the locals as the Mormon town.) The temple is located here as well as the Polynesian Cultural Center.
Don't you love my sunburn? It was splendid. We went to the Lanikai beach on Friday (this pic was taken Sun) and I apparently was not vigilant enough with the sunscreen. We were sad to learn (before we left ID) that the temple would be closed. It is under extensive renovation. They have closed it for the whole year. We did visit the Visitor's Center and saw a BEAUTIFUL photography exhibit. Turns out the Laie, Hawaii temple is 90 years old. I had no idea it was that old. It was beautiful even in it's renovative state.
On our anniversary we got up early like as in 4 am.(Thank you JETLAG, we salute you) We drove about as far north as we could go. We drove to Dillingham Airfield where some Lost props were located. If you are a fan of lost, you will recognize the planes. We also drove past a YMCA camp that Lost uses as the OTHERS camp. So fun!
We rented a convertible. Why not live it up when you get a chance, right? Here's my sexy husband in our car.
This is taken fairly close to where the pilot scenes of Lost were filmed. Oddly, this is one of the few pics we have of the two of us together in Hawai'i.
We went to the Polynesian Cultural center on our anniversary. Here are a few pics. We even got to dance together on stage at the Luau because it was our anniversary. Us and about 30 other people.
One of my favorite things was snorkeling. We snorkeled at Shark's Cove which was up the road 15-20 minutes from where we were staying. We saw beautiful fish, and got to hang out with a school of the fish you see in Finding Nemo. Our kids thought that was cool. No pics of that though, only wonderful memories. I do have a nice pic of me in the snorkel gear though so enjoy that...(sarcasm was inserted into that last comment.)

One of my other favorite things was seeing the HONU (sea turtles). I compare it to seeing bears in Yellowstone. We were driving up the coast headed to Shark's cove when we saw some people standing on the beach taking pictures of the water. We decided to pull over to see what the fuss was about, and lo and behold there were 5 or 6 turtles fairly close to shore. I could've sat there for hours watching them.
We went to Pearl Harbor, of course, and Punchbowl. We went to the Swap Meet for souvenirs. We at Aoki's Shaved Ice. Yum. We peeled or own Sweet n Spicy Shrimp at Romy's Shrimp Shack. We ate at an AWESOME hole-in-the-wall Mexican Restaurant called AZTECA. So delicious! We did spend our last day there in Waikiki, but I was not a fan. Give me the North Shore anyday. Waikiki had too many expensive shops, and too many people.
Jason and I had a glorious time together. We laughed at the Wild Chickens. We lived in our bathing suits. We attended church on Sunday. We went to a movie theater. Which a little sidenote, was cheaper in Hawaii than it is here in Idaho Falls. Sick!!! We enjoyed the Nose flutes in the Tongan performance at the Polynesian Cultural Center. We enjoyed quiet dinners back at our apartment. We were grateful for the GPS. (note to those planning a trip to Oahu. DON'T rent a car unless you bring a GPS!!!) We almost lost our snorkeling gear before we even got to Shark's Cove. We enjoyed Hawaiian fry sauce. We read on the beach. We took morning and evening walks on the beach.
All in all, it was a FANTASTIC week!
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